Jay Zee July 6, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 The Saved and the Self-Deceived Jay Zee July 6, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:24-27
Ryan Wong June 29, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Counterfeit Christianity Ryan Wong June 29, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:15-23
Amos Yang June 22, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 The Worst Surprise In The World Amos Yang June 22, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:13-14
Jay Zee June 8, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 The Golden Rule Jay Zee June 8, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:12
Ryan Wong June 1, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 A Prayer That Is Answered Ryan Wong June 1, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:7-11
Amos Yang May 25, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Puppies and Piglets Amos Yang May 25, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:6
Chris Chois May 11, 2014 Book: Proverbs, Chapter: 31 The Ministry of Motherhood Chris Chois May 11, 2014 Book: Proverbs, Chapter: 31 Proverbs 31:10-31
Jay Zee May 4, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 3 Warnings Against Our Judging Jay Zee May 4, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 7 Matthew 7:1-5
Ryan Wong April 27, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 The Problem with Worry Ryan Wong April 27, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Matthew 6:24-34
Amos Yang April 20, 2014 Book: 1 Corinthians, Chapter: 15 Why Easter Matters Amos Yang April 20, 2014 Book: 1 Corinthians, Chapter: 15 1 Corinthians 15:3-8
Chris Chois March 30, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Whom Are You Living For? Chris Chois March 30, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Matthew 6:22-23
Jay Zee March 23, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Investing in Eternity Jay Zee March 23, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Matthew 6:19-21
Amos Yang March 16, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Praying Like a Pagan Amos Yang March 16, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Matthew 6:9-15
Ryan Wong March 9, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Real Christianity Ryan Wong March 9, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 6 Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18
Jay Zee March 2, 2014 Chapter: 5, Book: Matthew A Radical Love Jay Zee March 2, 2014 Chapter: 5, Book: Matthew Matthew 5:38-48
Chris Chois February 23, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 5 Keep Your Word Chris Chois February 23, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 5 Matthew 5:33-37
Amos Yang February 16, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 5 The Destruction of Marriage Amos Yang February 16, 2014 Book: Matthew, Chapter: 5 Matthew 5:31-32